About touchstonescreativewritinggroup

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Creative Writing Group ‘Homework’

This is Norman

At our last workshop, our facilitator, Norman Warwick, gave us the title of “A piece of writing which changed the way I write”. Mmm, interesting, I thought, though I have yet to be inspired by this. I hope you might do better!

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touchstones norm’s news

touchstones creative writing group continues to attract new members as it supports literary events across the borough. As writers our members are keen to partner practitioners of other art forms in delivering multi-disciplinary events.

The group meets on the first Thursday afternoon of each month at 2.00 p.m. Admission is free but voluntary contributions of only £1-00 are gratefully accepted.

Touchstones Creative Writing Group is professionally facilitated by Norman Warwick of Just Poets. This published author, poet and broadcaster designs and delivers unique workshops and offers a free professional critiquing service.

contact 01706 670829 for details

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